Biting Femdom

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Madame Marissa chose to dominate this loser and she did so using her teeth. She sat on his chest and pretended it was romantic. She started licking and kissing his neck but then she suddenly bit him and she did not let go. She also bit other parts of his body as he begged her to let go of him. He tried to get her to stop biting her but he could not.

Madame Marissa wanted her slave to do some naughty things but he refused. She took it as a sign of disobedience and she punished him for it. She bit him badly and she did it all over his body. She wanted him to feel a lot of pain and he did. By the time the mistress was done with him, he wished he had done what she had asked her.

Madame Marissa wanted to test her slave's pain threshold. It had been long since she had punished him and she had forgotten what his threshold was. He had recently messed up and she wanted to create a perfect punishment for him. So she bit him all over his body and she got the answers she was looking for. She then planned his punishment and she dealt with him to send a message.

Madame Marissa wanted to test her new slave's pain threshold. She wanted to know how to effectively punish him when he messed up. So she removed his shirt and she bit him. She bit him all over his chest and his stomach. It was painful but that was how it was intended to be. She got all the info she wanted on him and from him and she let him go.

Madame Marissa discovered that her slave had lied to her. She was mad at him that she did not care what happened to him. She chose to punish him by cruelly in order for him never to lie to her again. She chose to use her biting fetish. She bit his fingers and she dug her teeth into his flesh and she punished him cruelly. He never lied to her again.

Mistress Gaia had eaten some bad food from her slave and she was angry about it. She chose to punish him by biting him. She wanted him to understand the kind of pain she had while eating his food. She wanted the pain to be a motivator for him to do better and learn to cook better meals. So she crushed his fingers with her teeth to send a message.

Mistress Gaia did not like how lazy her slave was. So she bit him to not only make fun of him but to also punish him for being lazy. The mistress wanted him to learn to use his hands and his fingers to work and to be productive. So she bit his fingers and told him she would do it till he learned to be hardworking. The loser had no option but to he hardworking.

Mistress Martina does not like slaves and losers who do not do what she asks them to do. This one was one of them and she had to teach him to obey her. She did this by biting him all over his body. She did not do it in one spot but rather did it all over his body to teach him a lesson. It worked and he learned to obey.

Mistress Danielle wanted to teach her boyfriend a lesson. She had found him french kissing another girl. She could not stomach it and she punished him cruelly/ She used her teeth to bite his dick and make the poor guy cry and beg for mercy promising never to do any of those things again. She let him go after he had cried himself hoarse and she felt he had learned his lesson.

Lady Kara loves biting people. She had however never been bitten before and she wanted to experience it. So she chose to bite herself as opposed to having someone else bite her. She could not believe how painful it was and she had to stop midway because of the intense way she bit herself. That was when she realized that it was a cruel and crazy punishment she liked to use.

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